mardi 29 mai 2012

Artillerie et marins

Deux sortes de nouveautés chez les Frères Perry avec de l'artillerie Russe avec son train ainsi que des marins Français en 28mm pour les guerres napoléoniennes.
Two kinds of 28mm new miniatures at the Perry Brothers with Russian artillery accompagnied by its train and French sailors of the Napoleonic Wars.

FN 155 French Sailors of the Imperial Guard , campaign dress, marching 
FN 154 French Sailors of the Imperial Guard command, campaign dress, marching
RN 24 Foot artillery loading 10 pdr unicorn (1812 kiwers)
RN 23 Foot artillery firing 10 pdr unicorn (1812 kiwers)
RN 22 Three horse artillery ammunition cart 
RN 21 Six horse heavy foot artillery limber, no gun , standing
RN 20 Hard Plastic Russian Infantry set (40 figures, nine flags, bases and painting guide) 
RN 19 Six horse heavy foot artillery limber with 12 pdr, standing
RN 18 Four horse light  foot artillery limber, no gun, standing

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