samedi 26 mai 2012

Sumériens, Hittites...

Rapier met en vente trois nouvelles armées "chariots" avec les Sumériens, les Hittites et les

Peuples de la mer en 6mm.
Rapier put on sale three new 6mm chariot wars armies : Sumerian, Hittite and Sea People.

HIT001 – Hittites with Spear and Shield £1.25
HIT002 – Hittites with Sword and Shield £1.25
HIT003 – Hittite Archers £1.25
HIT005 – Hittite 4 Horse Chariots (3) £1.25

SUM001 – Spear and Shield £1.25
SUM002 – 2 Handed Spear £1.25
SUM005 – 4 Horse Chariot (3) £1.25
Sea Peoples
SEA001 – Spear and Shield £1.25
SEA002 – Sword and Shield £1.25
SEA005 – Ox Cart (3) £1.25

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