dimanche 10 juin 2012

Terran Diaspora Authority

La flotte terrienne de la Diapora Humaine est disponible chez Zandris IV. Pour tout achat, Z4 rajoute un des nouveaux vaisseaux dans le colis.
The earthen fleet of the Human Diapora is available at Zandris IV. For any purchase, Z4 adds one of the new vessel in the package.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRlDr3kgmLkYRM_gN4UdpA6DgQWNBWxTuVZSUH-Xh-XdUCG1ZgoExEsSodR3Hn_CU3HvsfeAZIybOYR1T3bnHQWRWE6iUX-ykHkc3G5tr3yoNAYSsuEArTGd-8iYH6LUDAEVAy_hb62Xk/s1600/Battlegroup1.jpgCS0002 - Singapore-class Stealth Carrier - 50mm long - GBP5.00/ea
- Penang-class Stealth Cruiser - 65mm long - GBP4.00/ea
- Malacca-class Stealth Destroyer - 45mm long - GBP4.00/pair
- Labuan-class Assault Destroyer - 20mm long - GBP4.00/pair
- Serigala Heavy Fighter Wing - 5mm long - GBP3.00/18 fighters
- Harimau Superheavy Bomber - 12mm wide - GBP3.00/6 fighters

- Diaspora Strike Fleet - 90 miniatures (3x of each release pack) - GBP64.00

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