Pendraken finally released its range Falklands 10mm with for the momment, only the British army. For vehicles and the Argentines, you will have to wait until October.Falklands British - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/Post-War-Modern-c20/Falklands-British-sc282/
(All packs contain 10 foot unless otherwise shown, priced at £1.35)
FLB1 Advancing with SLR, beret
FLB2 Advancing under fire, beret
FLB3 Kneeling, firing SLR, beret
FLB4 Standing, firing SLR, beret
FLB5 Standing, firing SMG, beret
FLB6 Officers, with SLR/SMG/map (3 poses)
FLB7 Radio Operators, beret
FLB8 .50 cal MG, beret
FLB9 GPMG team, prone, beret (5 pairs)
FLB10 GPMG team, walking, beret (5 pairs)
FLB11 Blowpipe, beret
FLB12 84mm MAW, beret
FLB13 Milan team, beret (3 teams)
FLB14 Yomping Para, full kit, helmet
FLB15 Sniper team, ghillie suits (5 pairs)
FLB16 Engineers, 1 kneeling, 1 prone, beret (5 pairs)
FLB17 SAS, advancing with SLR
FLB18 SAS, firing M16
FLB19 SAS, with grenade launcher
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