The new August references for Pendraken relate again the American Civil War which makes this range in 10mm, a very complete range. A few Napoleonic Austrians have slipped in.Napoleonic Austrians - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/Napoleonic-c14/NEW-1809-Austrians-NEW-sc265/
NPA18 Grenzers, march attack £4.00
NPA20 6lb gun with crew (3) £4.00
NPA21 12lb gun with crew (3) £4.00
NPA22 7lb Howitzer with crew (3) £4.00
NPA23 Hussars £4.00
ACW - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/19th-Century-c15/NEW-American-Civil-War-NEW-sc281/
ACW2 Union foot, advancing, type 2 £4.00
ACW4 Union foot, firing, type 2 £4.00
ACW6 Union foot, marching, type 2 £4.00
ACW8 Confederate foot, advancing, type 2 £4.00
ACW10 Confederate foot, firing, type 2 £4.00
ACW12 Confederate foot, marching, type 2 £4.00

ACW37 General Grant £0.65
ACW38 General Sherman £0.65
ACW39 General Burnside £0.65
ACW40 General McClellan £0.65
ACW41 General Lee £0.65
ACW42 General Stuart £0.65
ACW43 General J. Johnston £0.65
ACW44 General Hood £0.65
ACW50 12lb Napoleon gun (4) £3.20
ACW51 10lb Parrot gun (4) £3.20
ACW52 3” Ordnance gun (4) £3.20
ACW53 12lb Whitworth gun (4) £3.20
ACW54 12lb Howitzer (4) £3.20
ACW55 20lb Parrot (4) £3.20
ACW56 Union artillery crew, aiming (16) £2.20
ACW57 Union artillery crew, firing (16) £2.20
ACW58 Confederate artillery crew, aiming (16) £2.20
ACW59 Confederate artillery crew, firing (16) £2.20
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