mardi 4 septembre 2012

Pendraken de Septembre. nous dévoile ses nouveautés de septembre entre Autrichiens napoléoniens et des soldats de la guerre civile américaine, notamment de beaux zouaves.
Pendraken unveils its September releases between Napoleonic Austrians and American soldiers of the American Civil War, including some beautiful Zouaves.

Napoleonic Austrians -

NPA24   Cuirassier   £4.00
NPA25   Dragoon / Chevauleger   £4.00
1809 Austrian   4 x NPA1. 1 x NPA11, 20, 25.  1/2 x NPA3   £25.00
1809 Austro-Hungarian   4 x NPA5.  1 x NPA14, 20, 25.  1/2 x NPA7   £25.00


ACW17   Zouaves in fez, standing/firing, inc. command     £4.00
ACW25   Greatcoat in kepi, inc. command     £4.00
ACW26   Greatcoat in slouch hat, inc. command     £4.00

ACW47   Union cavalry casualties (5)     £1.35
ACW48   Confederate cavalry casualties (5)     £1.35
ACW49   Stretcher bearers (5)        £1.35
Union Army Pack   150 Foot, 30 Command, 15 Cavalry and 3 guns with crew   £25.00
Confederate Army Pack   150 Foot, 30 Command, 15 Cavalry and 3 guns with crew   £25.00

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