Pendraken unveils its September releases between Napoleonic Austrians and American soldiers of the American Civil War, including some beautiful Zouaves.Napoleonic Austrians - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/Napoleonic-c14/NEW-1809-Austrians-NEW-sc265/
NPA24 Cuirassier £4.00
NPA25 Dragoon / Chevauleger £4.00
1809 Austrian 4 x NPA1. 1 x NPA11, 20, 25. 1/2 x NPA3 £25.00
1809 Austro-Hungarian 4 x NPA5. 1 x NPA14, 20, 25. 1/2 x NPA7 £25.00
ACW - http://www.pendraken.co.uk/19th-Century-c15/NEW-American-Civil-War-NEW-sc281/
ACW17 Zouaves in fez, standing/firing, inc. command £4.00
ACW25 Greatcoat in kepi, inc. command £4.00
ACW26 Greatcoat in slouch hat, inc. command £4.00
ACW47 Union cavalry casualties (5) £1.35
ACW48 Confederate cavalry casualties (5) £1.35
ACW49 Stretcher bearers (5) £1.35
Union Army Pack 150 Foot, 30 Command, 15 Cavalry and 3 guns with crew £25.00
Confederate Army Pack 150 Foot, 30 Command, 15 Cavalry and 3 guns with crew £25.00

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