jeudi 22 novembre 2012


Cela fait une semaine que Games & Gears a mis en place sa campagne Kiki pour financer leur nouvelle gamme de champs de bataille à peindre et peints.

C'est une campagne paradoxale car certaines offres sont déjà complètes mais le financement n'atteint que 5% du montant à atteindre. Ce qui veut dire qu'il existe un noyau de personnes motivées mais que cette campagne intéresse peu de monde pour le moment alors que certaines planches sont abordables.
Last week, Games & Gears introduced a Kiki campaign to finance their new range of battlefields board to paint and pre painted.

This is a
paradoxical campaign because some offers are already complete but funding is only 5% of the amount to reach. This means that there is a core of motivated people but little interest of the whole gamers in this campaign for the moment, although  some boards are affordable.
 Field Of War battle board with fine texture detail for your battles  you can paint this as a desert board, field board or scorched earth board and many more types up to you.Great quality & a ton of detail. Paint them how you want for you games and worlds. Change the setting as you paint it to your theme.

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