vendredi 30 novembre 2012

Lion de Mars Hat met en vente un lion de Mars en 18mm et deux chariots de ravitaillements du XVIeme en 15mm. Ils proposent aussi des figurines en 54mm de cavaliers et de fantassins comme un Scots Grey, un officier Turc ou Indien.
Black Hat sells a Martian lion in 18mm and two carriages of the XVIth with supplies in 15mm. They also have cavalry and infantry miniatures in 54mm as a Scots Grey, a Turkish or Indian officer.
EMP908 - Martian Lions
WSS23 - Ammunition Wagon
WSS22 - Artillery Limber
LWR206 - Lancer Officer
LWR205 - Lancer Trooper
LWR204 - Dragoon Officer
LWR203 - Dragoon Trooper
LWR202 - Scots Grey Officer
LWR201 - Scots Grey Trooper
LWR025 - Indian Officer in Turban
LWR024 - Indian Infantry in Turban
LWR023 - Turkish Infantry Officer

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