Seeing the list of new references at Pendraken, I understand better why they have not had time to post pictures. These new references range from Carthage to the Falklands War through Goblins or the Mahdists.Ancient Carthaginians - Carthaginian-NEW-sc279/
ACR12 Veterans £4.00
ACR13 Libyan Spearmen £4.00
AWI Misc - 18th-Century-c13/AWI-Misc-sc69/
AWX2 George Washington (1) £0.65
AWX3 George with plinth (1) £1.00
Nap Austrians - Napoleonic-c14/NEW-1809-Austrians-NEW-sc265/
NPA26 High Command (3) £1.00
1859 French - 19th-Century-c15/1859-French-sc199/
FIW3 Voltigeur, advancing (20) £2.70
FIW4 Voltigeur command (12) £1.60
1860’s Austrian - 19th-Century-c15/1860s-Austrian-sc87/
AU22 Dead markers (10) £2.35
19th Century Misc - 19th-Century-c15/Accessories-sc270/
FPX2 Dead markers (10) £1.35
ACW - American-Civil-War-NEW-sc281/
ACW61 Civilians (16) £2.20
Colonial Sudan - SudanEgypt-1882-85-sc98/
SC21 Mahdist Camelry £4.00
SCW Vehicles - SCW-Vehicles-sc123/
SCV8 Lancia IZM A/C £2.75
AVBCW - World-War-II-c19/British-sc124/Page-3/
BR167 Home Guard, Lewis gun, sidecap (10) £1.35
BR168 Policemen, rifle, 3 poses (10) £1.35
BR169 Upper class civilians, 3 poses (10) £1.35
WWII - World-War-II-c19/sc127/
FRE15 Civilians / Refugees (6) £1.35
WWII German -World-War-II-c19/German-sc125/Page-4/
GR227 Paddlers (5 pairs) £1.35
GR228 Stretcher bearers (10) £1.3
Falklands - British - Falklands-British-sc282/
FLB20 Advancing with SLR, helmet (10) £1.35
FLB21 Advancing under fire, helmet (10) £1.35
FLB22 Kneeling, firing SLR, helmet (10) £1.35
FLB23 Standing, firing SLR, helmet, backpack (10) £1.35
FLB24 Standing, firing SMG, helmet (10) £1.35
FLB25 Officers, with SLR/SMG/map, helmet, 3 poses (10) £1.35
FLB26 Radio Operators, helmet (10) £1.35
FLB27 .50 cal MG, helmet (10) £1.35
FLB28 GPMG team, prone, helmet (5 pairs) £1.35
FLB29 GPMG team, walking, helmet (5 pairs) £1.35
FLB30 Blowpipe, helmet (10) £1.35
FLB31 84mm MAW, helmet (10) £1.35
FLB32 Milan team, helmet (3 teams) £1.35
FLB33 Engineers, 1 kneeling, 1 prone, helmet (5 pairs) £1.35
FLB34 Standing, firing SLR, helmet, bumroll (10) £1.35
FLB35 81mm mortar with crew (3) £1.35
Falklands - Argentinians - Falklands-Argentinians-sc283/
FLA1 Kneeling, firing (10) £1.35
FLA2 Advancing (10) £1.35
FLA3 Advancing, with 'full kit' (10) £1.35
FLA4 Standing, firing (10) £1.35
FLA5 Advancing, under fire (10) £1.35
FLA6 Officers, 1 standing, 1 kneeling (10) £1.35
FLA7 Radio Operators (10) £1.35
FLA8 MG team, prone (5 pairs) £1.35
FLA9 MG team, advancing (10) £1.35
FLA10 Blowpipe (10) £1.35
FLA11 Engineers, 1 kneeling, 1 prone (5 pairs) £1.35
FLA12 Special Forces, with FN FAL (10) £1.35
FLA13 Special Forces with SMG (10) £1.35
FLA14 Kneeling, firing, with helmet (10) £1.35
Fantasy Goblins - Fantasy-c21/Goblins-sc153/
FG12 Shamans (5) £1.80
Beaucoup de nouveautés donc pas le temps de faire des photos. Espérons que Pendraken prendra le temps de faire ces photos bientôt car je trouve toujours dommage de ne pas savoir ce qu'il y a dans le set.
RépondreSupprimerComme on dit chez nous, "on n'achète pas un chat dans un sac". C'est d'ailleurs un problème (l'absence de photos) que j'ai constaté chez beaucoup de fabricant.
Merci pour ton site, il est vraiment utile pour se tenir au courant des nouveautés. Bravo
Merci, je suis bien d'accord avec toi au sujet des photos car je me suis déjà fait avoir avec des camions US qui resteront dans leur sachet.
RépondreSupprimerPendraken est un fabricant sérieux, je pense qu'ils n'ont vraiment pas eu le temps car entre ces nouveautés et leur venue à Anvers ce week end...
Je serai en Belgique ce week end, entre Bruxelles et Anvers justement.
Très sympa ton blog dédié au ferroviaire.