mercredi 21 novembre 2012

Zouaves et Russes ww1

La gamme ww1 de Peter Pig s'enrichit de plusieurs nouvelles références pour l'armée Russe et donc la guerre civile ainsi que des zouaves Français en 15mm.
The  ww1 range at Peter Pig is enriched with several new references for the Russian army and thus the civil war that follows and some French Zouaves in 15mm.
171. French Zouaves French zouave command
31. Russian Infantry Advancing
41. Russian gun crew
48. Russian infantry standing firing
49. Russian HMG's
50.Russian infantry without rifles
64. Russian infantry kneeling
65. Russian infantry command advancing 

66. Russian infantry command standing

2 commentaires:

Il n'y a plus de statut anonyme pour éviter les kapcha et les spams.
There is no anonymous status left in order to avoid kapchas and spams.