mardi 18 décembre 2012

Les os de Reaper, c'était cette fameuse campagne Kiki qui avait réuni beaucoup d'argent pour financer la gamme Bones de Reaper.
Voici les premières figurines de cette gamme, toutes prêtes à la veille de Noël. 
Ce qui est bien c'est que malgré le changement de matière, on reconnait encore le style des différents sculpteurs.
Remember, it was this famous Kiki campaign that had met a lot of money to fund the Bones range of Reaper.
Here are the first miniatures in this range, all ready for Christmas Eve. is good is that despite the change of material, we still recognize the style of the  different sculptors.

77017: Skeletal Archer (3) by David Pugh ($4.99)
77018: Skeletal Swordsman (3) by David Pugh ($4.99)
77019: Orc Swordsman (3) by Bob Olley ($5.49)
77020: Bathalian by Sandra Garrity ($2.49)
77021: Lindir, Elf Archer by Werner Klocke ($2.29)
77022: Michelle, Female Human Ranger by Jeff Grace ($2.49)
77023: Barnabas, Human Warrior by Chaz Elliott ($2.29)
77024: Goblins (6) by Ben Seins ($3.99)
77025: Giant Spider by Gene Van Horne ($2.49)
77026: Young Fire Dragon by Sandra Garrity ($3.49)
77027: Naomi, Female Vampire by Bob Ridolfi ($1.99)
77028: Gargoyle by Bob Ridolfi ($3.49)
77029: Silverhorn, Unicorn by Sandra Garrity ($2.99)

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