lundi 21 janvier 2013

Artillerie Russo-Prussienne
Blue Moon Manufacturing met en vente deux sets d'artilleurs, sept canons russes et trois Prussiens pour les guerres Napoléoniennes en 15/18mm.
Blue Moon Manufacturing is selling two sets of gunners, seven Russian guns and three Prussians in 15/18mm for the Napoleonic wars.
Russes 1805-1807:
15NRT-125 Russian Foot Artillery Crews
15RE-01 6 Pound Gun
15RE-02 12 Pound Gun
15RE-03A 3 Pound Gun
15RE-03B 3 Pound Unicorn 3 Pound Sled Guns
15RE-04 10 Pound Unicorn
15RE-05 20 Pound Unicorn
Prussiens 1806 :
15NPT-107 Foot Artillery Crew
15PE-01 Prussian 6 Pound Guns
15PE-02 Prussian 12 Pound Guns
15PE-03 Prussian Howitzers

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