samedi 2 février 2013

Pendraken de février.

En février, Pendraken nous emmène vers la guerre civile Américaine et la seconde guerre mondiale avec des résistants Français.
In February, Pendraken brings us to the American Civil War and the Second World War with the French resistance.

ACW62  Wagons (2)
ACW63  Ambulance (2)
ACW64  Field forge (2)
1860's Canadian Militia -
(For Fenian's, use the ACW Union figures)
CM1   Foot in shako, advancing (30)     £4.00
CM2   Foot in shako, firing line (30)     £4.00
CM3   Foot in shako, marching (30)     £4.00
CM4   Foot in shako, running at trail (30)     £4.00
CM5   Foot in shako, kneeling (30)     £4.00
CM6   Line command, shako (18)       £2.40
CM7   Rifle command (10)     £1.35
CM8   Cavalry in pork pie hat, inc. command (15)     £4.00
CM9   Armstrong guns with crew (3)     £4.00
CM10  Field Officers (5)     £1.35
CM11  Generals (2)     £0.65

French -
FRE16  Partizans (10)     £1.35

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