mardi 12 mars 2013

Chinois Mandchous nouvelle gamme historique est à découvrir chez Khurasan en 15mm. Les chinois Mandchous sont disponibles avec six références couvrant toute leur armée y compris l'artillerie. Deux références de sino-mongols sont dans la liste et pourront servir dans d'autres armées.
A new historical range is to discover from Khurasan in 15mm. The Chinese Manchus are available with six references covering their entire army, including artillery. Two Sino-Mongolian references are in the list and can be used in other armies.

Manchu Banner (x12 armoured Manchu nobles with bows)
Mongol Banner (x12 unarmoured Mongols nobles with bows)
Manchu mounted command (x2, warlord and standardbearer)
Manchu Green Standard Chinese Infantry with bows, spears and tridents (x24, 18 bows, 3 tridents and 3 spears)
Manchu Chinese Tiger Man fanatics with swords and shields (x12)
Manchu Jingal Teams (x2 teams each with gunner, loader and stand)

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