vendredi 3 mai 2013

Mega Miniatures en mai. thème du mois de mai chez Mega Miniatures sera le postapoc et le sci-fi genre 40K des années 80' mais en 25mm.
The theme for the month of May at Mega Miniatures will be the postapoc and sci-fi like 40K in the 80s but in 25mm.

 DEAL-1190  Freddy the Kroogr DeadTech  $4.00
 DEAL-0762 Futuristic Priest  $2.50
 DEAL-0763 Futuristic Monk  $2.50 DEAL-0726 Org Warlord  $3.00
 DEAL-0727  Vinny the saw Cyborg  $3.00
 DEAL-0728  Nicky the Knife Cyborg $3.00
 DEAL-1021  Louie Knuckles $3.00
 DEAL-1025  Commandant with sword $4.00
 DEAL-1026  Commandant swag  $4.00
 DEAL-1181  Dominant Gunner & Slave  (2 part kit)  $5.00
 DEAL-1182  Dominator riding Slave (3 part kit)  $5.00
 DEAL-1183  Tribal Shaman totem staff standing $2.50
 DEAL-1184  Tribal Shaman totem staff sitting  $2.50
 DEAL-1185  Tribal Bearskin support Brave grenade $3.00
 DEAL-1186  Tribal Bearskin support Brave Heavy $3.00
 DEAL-1187  Mutant #5  $3.00 
 DEAL-1188  Mutant #6  $3.00
 DEAL-1189  Shock Sister with Heavy  $3.50

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