samedi 4 mai 2013

VSF mais pas que... présente six nouvelles références en 28mm pour sa gamme VSF dont un char à vapeur et un esquif Martien.
Mais pas que puis que l'on trouve aussi deux bâtiments ww2 en 15mm et des figurines pour les guerres coloniales Britanniques.
Ironclad shows two new vehicules in its VSF 28mm range with a steam tank and a  Martian craft.
But not only that because we have also two 15mm ww2 buildings and miniatures for British colonial wars.

Victorian Sci-Fi
ODD08 Police armed with rifles - £5.50
ODD09 Chinese Tong gang members - £5.50
CH31 Inspector Corbitt - £3.00
CH32 Sgt Barker - £3.00
Steam 17 Small scout tank - £7.50
Steam 18 Martian cloudship - £19.50 
15mm stuff
15-H16 Small Normandy shop
15-H17 Small Russian Windmill

Northwest Frontier
NWF 5 British Officers - £3.00
NWF 6 Afghan leaders - £3.00
NWF 7 Afghans with snider rifles - £5.50
NWF 8a Indian army infantry with Sikh head - £5.50
NWF 8b Indian army infantry with Punjab head - £5.50
NWF 9 Indian Army mountain battery gunners - £5.50
NWF 10 mounted Afgan Leader - £5.00
 Gun 03 7pdr Mountain gun. - £5.00

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