vendredi 2 août 2013

Antico, Napo et promo

Onze nouvelles références sont disponibles en Napoléonien 20 mm chez Newline Designs : cacadores Portugais, landwher autrichienne et Hanovrienne sont au menu.
Viennent ensuite des Arabes Omeyyades,  des Tangs, des Suis, des Mycéniens, des coureurs des bois...
De plus, durant tout le mois d'aout, Newline Designs propose une promotion de 25% sur toutes ses gammes et vous fera un petit cadeau à partir de 50£ d'achat.
Eleven new references are available in Napoleonic 20 mm at Newline Designs : Portuguese Cacadores, Austrian and Hanovrian landwher are on the menu.
Followed by the Umayyad Arabs, the Tangs, the Suis, the Mycenaeans, Coureurs des bois...
In addition, throughout the month of August, Newline Designs offers a promotion of 25% discount on all ranges and make you a small gift from £ 50 of purchase.

  New 20mm Napoleonics 
 - Portugese Cacadores 1809
- PO3 -   Cacadore Command - 4 figures - £1.90
- PO3/1 - Cacadores Advancing - 4 figures - £1.90
- PO3/2 - Cacadores Loading - 4 figures - £1.90
- PO3/3 - Cacadores Firing  - 4 figures - £1.90

- Austrian Landwehr
- AU14   - Landwehr Command - 4 figures - £1.90
- AU14/1 - Landwehr at Ready - 4 figures - £1.90
- AU14/2 - Landwehr Musket at Side - 4 figures - £1.90

- Hanoverian Landwehr
- HA1 - Landwehr Command
- HA1/1 - Landwehr Loading - 4 figures - £1.90
- HA1/2 - Landwehr Firing - 4 figures - £1.90
- HA1/3 - Landwehr Musket at Side - £1.90
28mm Umayyad Arab Command
28mm Sui/Tang Chinese Command

20mm French Indian Wars - Rodgers Rangers Command
FIW02 - Rodgers Rangers Advancing
FIW03 - Rodgers Rangers Skirmishing

FIW07 - Coureurs de Bois Command
FIW08 - Coureurs de Bois Advancing
FIW09 - Coureurs de Bois Skirmishing

Also available - Mohawk Indians, Seven Years War British and Jacobite Highlanders
1/72nd New Releases
SKW03A - Sepoy Infantry at Ready
SKW03B - Sepoy Infantry Firing
SKW13A - Sikh Irregulars with Muskets
SKW17A - Sikh Regulars Firing
SKW41  - British Foot Artillery Crew
SKW42  - Bengal Horse Artillery Crew
SKW46  - British Lancers Charging
SKW48  - British Light Dragoons Charging

2TRD08 - Mycenean Swordsmen
28mm New Releases
8th - 12th Century Chinese

CH20 - Swordsmen in Short Robes and Caps
CH21 - Crossbowmen in Short Robes and Caps
CH22 - Archers in Short Robes and Caps
CH23 - Halberdiers in Long Robes and Broad Rimmed Hats
CH24 - Javelinmen in Short Robes and Topknots
CH25 - Tribal Spearmen, Large Wicker Shields
CH30 - Sui Spearman in Cord and Plaque Armour (single figure)
CH35 - Tang Armoured Spearman (single figure)
CH36 - Tang Guardsman (single figure)
CH37 - Tang Unarmoured Cavalry
CH39 - Sung Swordsman (single figure)
CH40 - Sung Armoured Cavalry in Winged Helmets

8th Century Umayyad Arabs

UMA02 - Umayyad Cavalry I
UMA03 - Umayyad Cavalry II
UMA04 - Umayyad Infantry I
UMA05 - Umayyad Infantry II
UMA06 - Bedouin Infantry
UMA07 - Bedouin Archers

Late Roman and Dark Age

ESA01 - Early Saxon Command
ESA02 - Early Saxon Warriors I
SAR02 - Sarmation Cavalry I
SAR03 - Sarmation Cavalry II
SAS08 - Sassanid Slingers
NOR08 - Norman Archers


SEA08 - Seapeoples Archers
TRO3A - Mycenean Archers II
TRO08 - Mycenean Swordsmen
TRO09 - Minoan/Mycenean Pikeman Standing
TRO10 - Minoan/Mycenean Pikemen Advancing

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