dimanche 10 novembre 2013

Armée Martienne

Alien Dungeon présente la première armée de "All Quiet on the Martian Front" et bien sûr c'est de l'armée Martienne dont il s'agit.
Alien Dungeon presents the first army of "All Quiet on the Martian Front" and of course it is of the Martian army which is pictured.

The army is currently totaling 2310 points and consists of:
Harvester Tripod, 150
Scientist Tripod, 80 points

3 Slaver Tripods, 300 points
3 three element units of Lobototon Gunners, 60 points
3 three element units of Lobototon Slicers, 60 points
18 Drones, 360 points
6 Grenadier Drone Tripods, 600 points
1 Assault Tripod with Heat Ray, 200 points
1 Assault Tripod with Heat Ray and Black Dust Launcher, 250 points
1 Assault Tripod with Heat Ray and Green Gas Bombs, 250 points

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