mardi 11 février 2014

Armielle et autres Reaper. met en vente sept nouvelles figurines en 28 mm dont une belle Partick Keith et une autre de Julie Guthrie.
Reaper sells seven new miniatures in 28 mm including a beautiful Partick Keith mini and another from Julie Guthrie.

03660: Amrielle, Female Ranger by Julie Guthrie ($5.99)
03661: Zeldriia, Elf Sorceress by Patrick Keith ($6.49)
03667: Nonalla Ellinad, Elf Wizard by Bob Ridolfi ($5.99)
03669: Aeolyrnithan Saveril\'Lythiaynm, Dark Elf by Chris Lewis ($7.99)
50298: Batt Ridgeley, Sharpshooter by Gene Van Horne ($6.49)
50300: Blood Nebula Mercenary by Chris Lewis ($7.49)
50310: Sky Pirate Simon by Chris Lewis ($5.99)

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