dimanche 2 mars 2014

Confédération du Rhin et ACW.

http://www.perry-miniatures.com/oscthumb.php?src=/images/ACW%2073.JPG&w=540&h=243.9&f=jpg&q=95&hash=a2d15e4ec7e6f56ac0e265f62f0e7f32Les frères Perry mettent en vente des mules et des chevaux pour la guerre civile U.S. ainsi que de nouvelles références pour les armées de la Confédération du Rhin, un nouveau régiment au nom imprononçable.
The Perry brothers put on sale mules and horses for the U.S. Civil War as well as new references for the armies of the Confederation of the Rhine, a new regiment with a  unpronounceable name, for me.

NCR 38 (6th regt.) Schwarzburg-Sondershausen/ Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt command advancing, double pace 1809-13
NCR 39 (6th regt.) Schwarzburg-Sondershausen/ Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt fusiliers, march attack, double pace 1809-13
NCR 40 (6th regt.) Schwarzburg-Sondershausen/ Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt command advancing, double pace, campaign dress 1809-13
NCR 41 (6th regt.) Schwarzburg-Sondershausen/ Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt fusiliers, march attack, double pace campaign dress 1809-13

ACW 71 Limber horse teams standing
ACW 72 Union six horse limber team galloping
ACW 73 Confederate six horse limber team galloping
ACW 74 Union six mule team standing

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