On the occasion of Templecon, Dark Age will release a lot of interesting new miniatures.Book: Dark Age: Outcasts: $39.99
Outcasts 2015 Card Pack $9.99
Skarrd Blood Abomination(1): $59.99
Skarrd Juggernaut(1): $59.99
Forsaken (Prevailers) Sight of the Prevailers(1): $12.99
Forsaken (Prevailers) Skylancers(3): $19.99
Forsaken (Saint Mark) Saint Mark, Harbinger of Judgment(1) $59.99
Forsaken Militia(3): $19.99
Forsaken Flock(3): $19.99
Forsaken Shepherd(1): $12.99
Forsaken Coil Diskmaster(1): $12.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Bendahrin Durshe(1): $12.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Moonless Night(1): $12.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Oathpourer(1): $12.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) The Dishonored(1): $12.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Berserker(1): $12.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Caravan Keeper(1): $12.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Thornwind(2): $14.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Tribal Warrior(3): $19.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Hand of War(2): $14.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Nomad Herder(3): $19.99
Outcasts (Salt Nomads) Dust Bull(1): $24.99
Outcasts Brute Resculpt #1: $12.99
Outcasts Brute Resculpt #2: $12.99
Outcasts Brute Resculpt #3: $12.99
Outcasts Brute Pusher Resculpt: $12.99
Bounty Hunters Captain Jake Flay: $12.99
Bounty Hunters Old Ma: $12.99
Bounty Hunters Dedlock: $12.99
Bounty Hunters Jarl Ramsaur: $14.99
Bounty Hunters John “Clank” Carter: $12.99
Bounty Hunters Nathaniel + Orchid Resculpt(2): $17.99
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