vendredi 2 septembre 2016

30.5cm Morser

Pendraken vend un mortier lourd Austro-Hongrois de 305 pour la ww1 en 10 mm. Vous trouverez le mortier ainsi que le train d'artillerie.
Pendraken sells an Austro-Hungarian 305 heavy mortar for ww1 in 10 mm. You will find the mortar and the artillery train.


AH17 – Skoda 30.5cm Morser M11 gun, deployed with crew (1) – £3.00 GBP
AH18 – Austro-Daimler M12 tractor – £3.00 GBP
AH19 – Austro-Daimler M17 tractor – £3.00 GBP
AH20 – Skoda 30.5cm Morser M11 gun, dismantled with 3 transport trailers – £4.95 GBP

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