lundi 11 décembre 2017

Brits et Soviets des années 80.

Heroic and Ros sort deux armées en 6mm pour la guerre froide des années 80 avec des Britanniques et des Soviétiques.
Heroic and Ros releases two armies in 6mm for the Cold War of the 1980s with  British and Soviet troops.

UK lot ($60)
14 x BM86 Chieftain wtih Stillbrew armor
22 x BM62 FV432
5 x BM12 FV103 Spartan
4 x BM24 FV438 Swingfire
4 x BM25 FV102 Striker
4 x BM26 FV432 Mortar
4 x BM31 Tracked Rapier
4 x BM47 FV120 Spartan MCT
4 x UKMA201 Jaguar
4 x UKMA301 Hariier GR3
4 x UKMA402 Lynx AH1
2 x M26 1980s British Infantry (50 fig pack)
2 x BM302 1980s British Infantry L7 team
2 x BM303 1980s British Infantry LMG team
2 x BM304 1980s British Infantry Milan team
1 x BM305 1980s British Infantry L7 GPMG on tripod team
1 x BM308 1980s British Infantry 51mm mortar
2 x BM311 1980s British Infantry Blowpipe
2 x BM312 1980s British Infantry M72 LAW
2 x BM313 1980s British Infantry Carl Gustav
2 x BM314 1980s British Infantry command strip

USSR lot ($80)
34 x SM05 T-64
23 x SM10 BMP-2
1 x SM11 BMP-R (BRM-1)
6 x SM14 MTLB
4 x SM22 BRDM2
3 x SM25 BRDM2 + AT5 Spandrel
4 x SM37 ZSU-23-4
4 x SM42 SA9
4 x SM43 SA13
6 x SM84 Vasilek
3 x SMA408 Su-25
4 x SMA700 Mk24 Hind D
2 x M28 Soviet Motor Rifle (50 fig pack)
2 x SM316 Soviet MR SA14
2 x SM317 Soviet MR RPK74 SMG team
2 x SM318 Soviet MR RPG18
2 x SM320 Soviet MR command
2 x SM322 Soviet MR RPG7
1 x SM324 Soviet MR AGS17 team
2 x SM325 Soviet standing artillery crew
1 x SM326 Soviet MR PKS on tripod team

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