lundi 15 janvier 2018

Sorties Battle Valor

Battle Valor Games sort plusieurs sets en 15mm en set complet voire en demi-set, et la liste est longue. Vous trouverez des hommes lézards et les figurines exclusives 2017.
Battle Valor Games releases several sets in 15mm in complete set or half-set, and the list is long. You will find lizardmen and the exclusive minis in 2017.

1 Pack of 35 Scalian Swordsmen with Shields including Command
1 Pack of 35 Scalian Spearmen with Shields including Command
1 Paxk of 35 Scalian Bowmen including Command
1 Pack of 16 Mounted Scalian Bowmen including Command
1 Pack of 16 Mounted Scalian Spearmen with Shields including Command
1 Pack of 10 Scalian Carver Linebreakers
1 Pack of 3 Scalian Carver Shock Troops
1 Pack of 1 Scalian Juggernex Monstrous Creature
1 Pack of 1 Scalian General

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