mardi 13 septembre 2022

Stargrave : Hope Eternal

La nouvelle extension Stargrave approche et est sujette à une campagne Nickstarter. Vous y trouverez des mercenaires modulables, des drones et des créatures aliens en 28mm. Quatre niveaux sont disponibles chez NorthStar.


The new Stargrave expansion is coming soon and is subject to a Nickstarter campaign. You will find modular mercenaries, drones and alien creatures in 28mm. Four levels are available from NorthStar.

BP1828a - Hope Eternal (with Free Plastic Barbarians) pre-order offer

SHEDeal1 - Stargrave: Hope Eternal Collectors Deal

SHEDeal2 - Stargrave: Hope Eternal Miniatures Deal

SHEDeal3 - Stargrave: Hope Eternal Metal Figures Deal

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