lundi 4 décembre 2023

BEF et Polonais

Heroic and Ros sort des sets en 6mm pour le début de la ww2 avec des troupes de la BEF et des troupes Polonaises.


Heroic and Ros is releasing sets in 6mm for the start of WW2 with BEF troops and Polish troops.

P301 WW2 1939 Polish NCO and Grenadier (4 figures, 2 of each type)
P302 WW2 1939 Polish Browning BAR firing prone(3) walking (3)
P303 WW2 1939 Polish Command (1 x RTO & 2 x different Officers)
P304 WW2 1939 Polish Ckm. wz.30 MMG team (1 MG and 3 crew)
P305 WW2 1939 Polish 81mm Brandt M27/31 Mortar team (1 mortar and 3 crew)
P306 WW2 1939 Polish 46mm Granatnik wz.36 Light mortar team (3 x 2 man team)
P307 WW2 1939 Polish Uruguay KP. wz.35 Anti Tank rifle team (3 x 2 man team)
P308 WW2 1939 Polish Running satchel charge (5 figures)
P309 WW2 1939 Polish Walking with pole charge (5 figures)
P310 WW2 1939 Polish gun crew kneeling (3 figures)
P311 WW2 1939 Polish gun crew standing (4 figures)
P312 WW2 1939 Polish Observer (5 figures)
P313 WW2 1939 Polish Infantry (5 different figures)
PR01 WW2 1939 Polish Infantry approx. 50 figures
PR02 WW2 1939 Polish Infantry support approx. 50 figures & equipment
B360 British WW2 1939 BEF 2" Light Mortar team (3 x 2 man team)
B361 British WW2 1939 BEF ATR Boys 0.55" team (3 x 2 man team)
B362 British WW2 1939 BEF 0.303" Vickers with 3 man team (1 MG and 3 crew)
B363 British WW2 1939 BEF NCO, Grenadier & rile (6 figures, 2 of each type)
B364 British WW2 1939 BEF Command & RTO (1 x RTO & 2 x different Officers)
B365 British WW2 1939 BEF 0.303" Bren team (3 x 2 man team)
B366 British WW2 1939 BEF Bren gun on AA mount (5 figures)
B367 British WW2 1939 BEF gun crew standing (4 figures)
B368 British WW2 1939 BEF 3" mortar & crew (1 mortar and 3 crew)
B369 British WW2 1939 BEF digging (5 figures)
B370 British WW2 1939 BEF with satchel charge(5 figures)
B371 British WW2 1939 BEF Infantry strip (5 different figures)
B372 British WW2 1939 BEF gun crew kneeling (3 figures)
B373 British WW2 1939 BEF Observer strip (5 figures)
BR 12 WW2 BEF (British Expeditionary Force) Infantry
BR 13 WW2 BEF (British Expeditionary Force) Infantry support

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