samedi 15 février 2014

Cavalerie Continentale

A partir de lundi, les frères Perry vendent onze nouvelles références de cavalerie continentale en 28 mm métal pour soutenir les forces rebelles de la guerre d'indépendance Américaine.
From monday, the Perry brothers sell eleven new references of continental cavalry in 28mm metal to support the rebel forces during the War of American Independence.

AW 180 Mounted American Militia command
AW 181 Mounted American Militia
AW 182 Lee’s Legion Horse command, 1780
AW 183 Lee’s Legion Horse, 1780
AW 184 1st Continental Light Dragoon command, 1779
AW 185 1st Continental Light Dragoons , 1779
AW 186 2nd Continental Light Dragoon command, 1778
AW 187 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, 1778
AW 188 3rd Continental Light Dragoon command, 1777-78
AW 189 3rd Continental Light Dragoons, 1777-78
AW 190 4th Continental Light Dragoon command, 1780
AW 191 4th Continental Light Dragoons, 1780

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