En parlant de factions, il y en a quatre pour démarrer ainsi que deux héros/mercenaires. Des décors 4Ground sont déjà disponibles.
Ce sera livré à partir du 13 avril.
Northstar starts the pre-order phase for Dead Man's Hand, a 28 mm wild west game with factions. Speaking about factions, there are four to start and two heroes / mercenaries. Some 4Ground sets are already available.
The miniatures will be shipped from April 13.
- DMHG-REN - Renegade Indians Gang
- DMHG-7TH - 7th Cavalry Gang
- DMHG-PIN - Pinkerton Gang
- DMHG-BAN - Banditos Gang
- DMHR-EFG - Dead Man's Hand Rogue Ely Fergus
- DMHR-JBG - Dead Man's Hand Rogue John Bridges
BP1425 - The Legend of Dead Man's Hand

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