Today, some new sets are available for Planetfall and Firestorm from Spartan, but also among the miniatures on pre-sale for June 24 concerning principally Legions.Planetfall :
Aquan Prime Light Infantry Upgrade
Sorylian Collective Light Infantry Upgrade
Dindrenzi Federation Light Infantry Upgrade
Terran Alliance Light Infantry Upgrade
The Directorate Light Infantry Upgrade
Aquan Prime Recon Helix
Dindrenzi Federation Recon Helix
Sorylian Collective Recon Helix
Terran Alliance Recon Helix
The Directorate Recon Helix
The Relthoza Recon Helix
Veydreth Allied Recon Helix

Firestorm :
Works Raptor Destroyer Group
Works Raptor Battlecruiser Group
Hawker Industries Carrier Group
Aquan Prime Guardian Shoal
The Directorate Pacification Fleet
Terran Alliance Charter Enforcement Fleet
Dindrenzi Federation Planetfall Naval Division Fleet
Sorylian Collective Bastion Fleet
The Relthoza Reformer Fleet
Legions :
Empire of the Blazing Sun Infantry Officer Set
Federated States of America Federal Infantry Expansion Set
Empire of the Blazing Sun Ashigaru Infantry Expansion Set
Federated States of America Infantry Officer Set
Federated States of America Heroes of the Empire Set
Empire of the Blazing Sun Heroes of the Empire Set
Empire of the Blazing Sun Ashigaru Infantry Set
Federated States of America Federal Infantry Set
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