Le Salute est organisé par un club de wargamers du sud londoniens, c'est LA manifestation la plus imposantes, une seule journée avec des dizaines de tablées plus belles les unes que les autres et des boutiques, certains comme euréka viennent d'Australie pour l'occasion. Voici un copié collé des tablées de cette année et à lire le CR d'un blogueur.
Name of Game | Stand | Game Type | Club Name | Period | Scale | Description |
The Ion Age. Futuristic Battles using Firefight 2.0 and HOF Fire-Team. | GK14 | Participation | Alternative Gamers | Sci-Fi | 28mm and 15mm | Come along and take part in many short actions across the day. Using the new Firefight 2.0 grid based wargame rules for 28mm sci-fi and also the new HOF Fire-Team rules for grid based combat in 15mm scale. Fast, furious and fun. Two game systems unlike any other. All needed miniatures, terrain, etc provided. Turn up and play! |
Governance of Technology | GK10 | Demonstration | Antenociti's Workshop | Sci-Fi | 32mm | Official Release of Figures & Scenery SciFi Range. Post-Singularity Science Fiction |
Armies of Arcana | GE04 | Demonstration | Armies of Arcana Players Guild | Fantasy | 28mm | Come and see if we do a siege or a full scale battle |
Veni Vidi Vici | GD16 | Participation | Aylesbury Wargames Club | Ancient | 28mm | Roman Legions attack a Celtic Hillfort. |
BLOOD ON THE SAND - AND NOT A RED COAT IN SIGHT | GA15 | Demonstration | Skirmish Wargames | Colonial | 54mm | C1880s Sudanese versus Abyssinians i.e. A colonial battle between native nations, which does not involve europeans! |
Sci Fi Skirmishes & Fleet Wars | GB24 | Participation | BITS | Sci-Fi | 25mm & 1/7500th | Battle to defend your starship against pirate boarders, or cut your enemy's warship in two with your fleet's laser - either is possible in Traveller's Far Far Future. |
TBA | GX01 | Participation | Black Cat bases | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Normandy Breakout | GF12 | Demonstration | Braintree Wargames Group | WW2 | 20mm | American forces attempt to break out of Bocage country |
Capitan Demonstration | GG07 | Demonstration | Captain Games | Napoleonic | 28mm | CAPITAN is a selection of rules designed to play battles between small groups of troops, such as advance, recognition, convoy escort, guerrilla actions, raids on small towns, border posts, incursions into enemy territory, and all those situations where specific tasks are assigned to a few troops of their units. |
Afghanistan & The Russian Way 1985 | GA24 | Participation | Chemins de Feu | Modern | 28mm | Soviet forces efforts to rescue downed helicopter pilots |
Battle of Miloslaw | GG05 | Demonstration | Continental Wars Society | 19th Century | 30mm | Polish Volunteers take on a column of Prussian Regular Infantry and Cavalry in an ambush in the Miloslaw Forest - April 1848 |
Tannenberg/Grunwald 1410 | GG03 | Demonstration | Crawley Wargames Club | Medieval | 15mm | 600th Anniversary of the Agincourt of Eastern Europe. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland crushed an army of the Teutonic Order. It is one of the most important battles of the era & the largest battle to involve knights. |
Par la fenetre, avec des epees | GB26 | Participation | Crazy Bear and Ragged Staff | Historical | 40mm | A fun friendly little game of swords, hats with feathers in them and daring do, set in a Hollywood version of a Dumas novel. If you have twenty minutes to kill pop on by and see if you can outwit the cardinal's guards! |
Anakin's Solution, may the Brick be with you | GM07 | Demonstration | Dark Knights and Bloody Dawns | Sci-Fi | 40mm | Star Wars & Clone Wars. Young Anakin starts his slip towards the Darkside his agression showing, wanting all out War against the Federation |
Seeds of War | GM14 | Participation | Dark Realm Miniatures | Sci-Fi | 6mm | Huge Armies causing as much mayhem as possible |
Dawn of War - Westerplatte 1939 | GK08 | Demonstration | Deal Wargames Society | WW2 | 20mm | Dawn breaks over Westerplatte Fortress on 1st September 1939. All of a sudden, all hell breaks loose as the main guns from the German battle cruiser Schleswig Holstein unleash the dogs of war. |
Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Daleks | GA10 | Participation | Doctor Who Miniatures Game | Sci-Fi | 28mm | What's going on down on the Streets of Canary Wharf? Join The Doctor, Rose, Mickey, the Preachers, Yvonne and her Torchwood soldiers in the continuing battle against the Cybermen and the Dalek Cult of Skaro. Multi player participation action set in the world of the New series of Doctor Who |
A Rig Too Far | GA10 | Participation | Doctor Who Miniatures Game | Sci-Fi | 28mm | Something happened on board the Euro Sea Gas deep drill oil rig - every worker is missing and the rig has been towed to nearby Devil's Bay for inspection by UNIT. In the quiet highland dawn howeve |
Rise of the Necromancer | GD11 | Participation | Dunstable Generals | Fantasy | 28mm | Hostile Acolytes compete to gather the gems of power before the Ritual of Awakening. Undead Homegrown Skirmish. |
An Introduction to Crossfire: A small town in Germany | GE10 | Participation | East Grinstead Gamers | WW2 | 15mm | Participation game for 2 players. The Russian Participants have a limited time to seize key buildings in a small German Town on the Eastern Front. They are up against hidden Germans, Reinforcements and the clock! |
Esdevium Games | GE13 | Participation | Esdevium Games | varies | varies | A Selection of the latest and greatest board games for you to try. |
Siege of Belgrade | GN07 | Demonstration | Evesham Wargames Club | Medieval | 10mm | Siege of Belgrade 1456 using Warmaster Medieval Rules |
TBA | GX02 | Participation | Freebooter Minis | TBA | TBA | TBA |
The Christmas Truce | GD05 | Participation | Frothers Unite UK | (Psuedo) Historical | 28mm | Legend has it that in December 1914 a truce was declared between the British and Germans, and a number of games of football were played on the No-man's land between the trenches. Using customised Subbuteo figures this game attempts to recreate the fun and excitement of those football games. |
Frotherheim | GD03 | Participation | Frothers Unite UK | Fantasy | 28mm | Frotherheim is a town teeming with life and brimming with peril. Merchants, Heroes, Cutthroats and Vagabonds all gather to find work, plan adventures and prey on the innocent and the unsuspecting. Bring your gang and fight for the supremacy on the streets alleyways and rooftops of the most dangerous town in the known world |
Details to come | GM19 | Demonstration | Gamers | - | - | - |
Details to come | GE06 | Demonstration | Games Workshop | - | - | - |
Guerilla Spain 1811 | GJ02 | Demonstration | GLC Gamers Club | Napoleonic | 25mm | Panisular War Skirmish Game |
INCURSION | GB08 | Participation | Gloranthan Army | Weird WW2 | 28mm | 1949 Gibralter - US Lucky Sevens invade the German Stronghold to shut down a Doomsday Device before it can be deployed. |
SAGA! | GK16 | Demonstration | Gripping Beast | Historical | 28mm | Viking Civil War in Norway. Using Playtest Versions of forthcoming Viking Age Big Battle and Skirmish Rules |
The Breaching of Complex Alpha | GA04 | Participation | Hasslefree Miniatures | Sci-Fi | 28mm & 1/56th | A group of Unlikelies open the door to a secret underground research facility. What wiil they find? Will they make it out alive to tell the tale? Participation game with prizes. |
Glider Assault | GM16 | Demonstration | Honnington Wargame Group | WW2 | 20mm | Recreation of the Assaults on Pegasus and Morsa Bridges prior to the D-Day Landings. |
Swashbuckler | GM05 | Participation | Hornchurch War Games Club | Historical | 90mm | The game is set in a tavern and the participants take control of 'Musketeer' like characters. They will sword fence with each other, brawl throwing various items of furniture, shove tables and swing from chandeliers in the old Errol Flynn movie style. |
Battles of the Dark Tower | GG06 | Demonstration | Ilford Wargames Group | Fantasy | 28mm | The Dark Elves are at war and by magical means are able to transport their tower and army across the land. Death, Destruction and Blood is demanded by the Fallen Goddess whose thirst is never satisfied.... |
Some of the Kingdoms | GD01 | Demonstration | Konfederacy of Eastbourne Gamers | Fantasy | 28mm | The Final Apocalyptic Battle of a Three Year Campaign where the Armies of Good meet the ones that are Not Nice At All. A MASSED Hordes of the Things game. |
The Last of the 100 Days | GK22 | Demonstration | League of Augsburg | Napoleonic | 28mm | Battle of Waterloo - Late in the day when Napoleon attempted to break the Allied Centre by attacking with his Imperial Guard using Republic to Empire rules |
Blood Bowl | GE13a | Demonstration | Les Marie Louise Des Flandres | Fantasy | 28mm | Fantasy Game based on American Football |
Alien Squad Leader | GM12 | Participation | Lincombe Barn Wargames Society | Sci-Fi | 15mm | Squad based Science Fiction Game |
Alternative Lord of the Rings | GD07 | Demonstration | London Gamers | Fantasy | 25-32mm | We will be using a mixture of miniatures from a wide variety of manufacturers spanning Historical through to fantasy to show the versatility of the Armies of Arcana Rules system. It will feature a scratch built castle measuring 2' x 3' x 6'. |
Battle of Bassuco | GF11 | Demonstration | Loughton Strike Force | Napoleonic | 28mm | None Given |
Battle of Blenheim 1704 | GF09 | Demonstration | M & M's | Historical | 25mm | Full recreation of the forces and Battle of Blenheim, between the English and their Allies under the Duke of Marlborough, and the French-Bavarian Army of Tallard, Marsin and the Bavarian Elector, All painted by Matt Slade and Martin Holmes over a 5 year period. |
Under The Twin Suns | GG11 | Demonstration | Maidstone Wargames Society | Sci-Fi | 6mm | Two mighty armies clash over mineral resources, under the twin suns of Nova Delta V. |
Operation Broken Arrow | GB21 | Demonstration | Majic Miniatures | Pulp WW2 | 6mm | A prototype Silverbird Sanger Bomber has crashed in remote farmland. The Germans must prevent the prototype and it's secrets from falling into the hands of the Allies at all costs. |
War in the West | GE13b | Participation | Megagame Makers | WW2 | Map Game | This is an extract from the forthcoming Megagame of the invasion of France and the Low Countries in 1940 |
Carrier Ops | GD09 | Participation | Mid Anglia Wargamers | Sci-Fi | - | Space Combat based on the books by C.J. Cheryll called The Company Wars. Players will be asked to make decisions and determine combat outcomes |
Battle of Northguard | GF07 | Demonstration | Mitcham Marauders | Fantasy | 28mm | Kahdor take on the Almighty Cygnar at the Battle of North Guard - Warmachine Rules |
Zama 202BC | GF08 | Participation | Muswell Militia & Friends | Historical | 28mm | In 202BC, Hannibal and Scipio, two of the greatest generals in ancient history, fought an epic battle near Zama in Africa to determine whether Carthage would survive. The game uses the Command and Colors (Ancient) rules and will feature a cast of thousands… |
The Punic Wars | GM09 | Demonstration | Newark Irregulars | Ancient | 28mm | Punic Wars Game set somewhere in Ancient Ital |
Warlords of the Ancient World | GK18 | Demonstration | Newbury & Reading Wargames Society | Ancients | 15mm | A full scale battle set in the Early Ancients period c.2000 BC involving some public participation and loads of figures |
Power & Glory - A Clash of Empires in the Austro-Prussian War | GK19 | Demonstration | Newbury & Reading Wargames Society | Historical | 15mm | A large scale reconstruction of a major action (Trautenau/Konnigratz) involving some public participation. An article to accompany this game will appear in the APRIL issue of Miniature Wargames |
The Night Bringer | GN11 | Participation | North London Wargames Group | Fantasy/Sci Fi | 28mm | D & D meets Space Marines, up to 6 players running 3 or 4 times over the day. |
Sengoko Jidai | GA06 | Demonstration | Oshiro Modelterrain | Historical | 28mm | A small siege of a fortified monastery typical of the age of Nobunaga. |
Bloody Picnic in the Ardennes 1914 | GM03 | Demonstration | Oxford Wargames Society | WW1 | 10mm | French and German Forces encounter each other in the Ardennes in August 1914 in some of the earliest battles of the Great War. |
Battle of Tewkesbury 1471 | GG09 | Demonstration | Perry Miniatures | Historical | 28mm | The Lancastrian Army eventually turns to fight after evading the Yorkist Army. The victory secured the Crown for Edward IV |
Details to come | GG04 | Demonstration | Privateer Press | - | - | - |
Details to come | GH02 | Demonstration | Privateer Press | - | - | - |
Details to come | GH04 | Demonstration | Privateer Press | - | - | - |
Dark Age | GB06 | Participation | PWGC -Artemis Black | Post Apocalyptic | 30mm | Post Apocalyptic Sci Fi 30mm Skirmish Game - Participation, Refreshments and Miniatures |
Knock! Knock! | GB05 | Participation | R.A.F. Wargaming Association | Modern Afghan | 28mm | Special Forces Operation to capture and extract a person of interest from their compound. Game will be a co-operation game between up to 4 players |
A World Turned Upside Down | GF05 | Demonstration | Realtime Wargames | AWI | 10mm | Army Level rules for AWI with novel command and control system |
Battle of Lake Okeechobee | GK04 | Demonstration | Richard Gillingham | 2nd US-Seminole War | 40mm | US Forces attempt to kill or capture a band of renegade Seminole Indians in claustrophobic Florida swamps in the late 1830's |
Projekt X | GN02 | Participation | Scarab Miniatures and Kallistra | WW2 | 1/48th | Help the Allies overcome the Evil Projekt X operation. Learn about where Fiction meets Fact in World War 2 |
Roborally | GD14 | Participation | Scimitar Games | Sci-Fi | 54mm | A 3D version of the boardgame Roborally |
Raid of Le Vengeur | GA21 | Participation | SFSFW | Victorian Sci-Fi | 1/1200th | Inspired by George Griffith's 19th Century short story of French treachery and British innovation. Players can attempt to deal a crippling blow to Her Majesty's Royal Navy or Defend Pax Britannica against the devious French. |
Details to come | GJ03 | Demonstration | Simple Miniatures | - | - | - |
First Battle of Chaeronea | GF06 | Participation | Society of Ancients | Ancient | 28mm | The Battle of Chaeronea 338 BC, fought near Chaeronea, in Boeotia, was the greatest victory of Philip II of Macedon. There, Philip (accompanied by allied contingents from Thessaly, Epirus, Aetolia, Northern Phocis and Epicnemidian Locrian) defeated the combined forces of Athens and Thebes and initiated Macedonian hegemony in Greece. |
My Feet Hurt Mum! | GL02 | Demonstration | South East Essex Military Society | WW1 | 28mm | Franco-Belgian forces attempt to halt the 'Orrible 'Un using 'Through Mud and Blood' Rules |
Space Vixens from Mars | GM01 | Participation | Southbourne Tabletop and Boardgamers | Sci-Fi | 28mm | Pulp Sci-Fi in the 26th Century |
To Boldly go where no Trek has gone before | GJ09 | Participation | South London Warlords | Sci-Fi | 1/1O | An alliance of Star Trek Villains are attempting to crack the password protected computer to prevent the self-destruction of the Enterprise with the valiant Crew attempting to regain control. |
Meuse or Bust! | GH06 | Demonstration | South London Warlords | World War 2 | 20mm | 20mm WWII Demonstration game based on the Battle of the Bulge and the need to reach objectives. |
Tank Game | GA12 | Participation | South London Warlords | 20th Century | Huge | Come along an drive a radio controlled tank around! |
SphereWars | GD15 | Participation | SphereWars | Fantasy | 28mm | As on many other occasions, the four Gods had created a new battlefield on which to settle their differences which as gods they were unable to resolve.This time, the sphere of Saphir, was the chosen one. Nevertheless, for the first time, the fifth god, treated with contempt and mistreated by his captors, had broken the rules. Not only did he bring alive the creations of his brothers but he also created his race. |
End of Empire | GF04 | Participation | Spirit of the Game | Victorian Adventure | 28mm | End of Empire is a very British Game of Gentlemen Adventurers thwarting the machinations of Evil Villains who aim to bring down the British Empire, and subsequently the civilisation as we know it. |
Charge of the Light Brigade | GE11 | Participation | Staines Wargamers | Crimean War | 15mm | A fast paced cavalry charge in which the participants try to win the glory of the first squadron to reach the gun line. Overeagerness causes casualties however careful tactics pay off. Special Event cards from Tennyson's Poem bring the character of this game out. |
Wargods of Aegyptus | GN09 | Participation | Stoke Wargames Group | Fantasy | 28mm | This is a battle for Aegyptus by the forces of the god |
The Great Tanelorn Wrydstone Rush | GN05 | Demonstration | Tanelorn Wargames Club | Fantasy | 28mm | Warhammer Fantasy Battle with 6 players and 12,000 poiunts of painted models. We will be using a variant of the Legendary Battles rules published in White Dwarf April 2008. The battle will be fought on a 6' x 7' 6' table with 3 players on each side. Each side will have |
Assault on Sacsayhuaman, 1536 | GF03 | Demonstration | The Escape Committee | Historical | 28mm | Depiction of the attack of Juan Pizarro against the besieging Inva's base of operations, the walled fortress dominating Cuzco, Susayhuaman. Includes a scale replica of the massive Inca Fortress. |
Battle of Legnickie Pole 1241 | GF10 | Demonstration | The Lance and Longbow Society | Ancient/Medieval | 28mm | German/Poles v Mongols. Advancing to Wahlstatt near Liegnitz a Mongol Army encountered a vastly inferior Polish Army under Henry II of Silesia |
Attack on Fort Sumter | GD12 | Participation | The Naval Wargames Society | ACW | 1/600th | Players take command of US Ironclads and have to overcome Confederate defences to attack the fort, at the same time as intercepting Confederate Blockade runners. |
N/a | GD10 | Participation | The Pike and Shot Society | N/a | N/a | Society Information Stand |
Tunnel Rats | GE12 | Participation | Tin Soldiers of Antwerp | Vietnam | 28mm | At the start of a scenario the players get a mission. This can be a simple recon or a demolition job or even a political assassination. You'll have to navigate your Tunnel rat through 4 increasingly difficult levels trying to complete your mission and above all, stay alive. Multiple booby traps, Viet Cong and NVA troops. The first level is above ground and complete with vehicles, a typical Vietnam village, villagers and US troops. The next three levels are the actual tunnels, each on a 2' square 3D board. |
Narvik 1940 | GK03 | Demonstration | Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society | WW2 | 1/2400th | A recreation of the destroyer battles in Narvikfjord in 1940 |
Details to come | GB28 | Demonstration | Twilight Miniatures | - | - | - |
Tanks | GA13 | Demonstration | UK Tank Club | WW2 | 1/6th | Club will be demonstrating their large scale remote control Tank |
Miller's Crossing - The Road to New York | GK02 | Demonstration | Uxbridge Wargamers | AWI | 25mm | A large scale AWI battle, showing a fictional action during the British withdrawal from Philadelphia in June 1778 |
Details to come | GH08 | Demonstration | Warlords Games | - | - | - |
WW2 Battle of Britain Aerial Raid 1940 - Isle of Wight | GD02 | Participation | Wessex Wargamers - Winchester | WW2 | 1:285th | German Bomber raid on the Isle of Wight and Solent. Participants control the intercepting squadrons of Hurricanes and Spitfires. |
Secrets of the Third Reich | GB11 | Participation | West Wind Productions | Alternate WW2 | 28mm | - |
Washington's Army | GB07 | Participation | Weymouth Levellers | AWI | 15mm | Gamette of the NEW Peter Pig AWI game called 'Washington's Army' |
AvP...v H v B v ? | GD08 | Participation | Whitehall Warlords | Sci-Fi | 28mm | A Sci-Fi Boarding Action using modular scenery and a range of figures, so that each run through uses different enemies and a different layout. Players may play Humans, Aliens, Predators, Armoured Frogs etc.. |
Ride the Divine Wind | GH03 | Participation | Whitstable & Herne Bay Wargames | WW2 | 1/72nd | Relive the spirit of the Kamikaze with the latest WW2 Epic from WHBW. Salute the Emperor and then take to your Zero fighter to try and destroy the enemy fleet. |
The Kyushu Bay Incident | GA17 | Participation | Wigan Wargames | Sci-Fi | 15mm | Join Wigan Wargames as they teach you the new Critical Mass 15mm Company Level Sci-Fi game on the Ice Planet of Talkis where the Arc Fleet defends their Otilium refinery from an unexpected attack headed by agile Walkers and Shock Troops of the Protolene Kharnate across the frozen wastes of Kyushu Bay. |
An Episode from the Siege of Nantwich 1644 | GM02 | Demonstration | Wigmore Warriors | ECW | 28mm | A recreation of part of the Nantwich defences and the assault by Royalists in January 1644 |
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