Enfin presque car je l'ai encore égaré dans l'un des nombreux tiroirs, boites, cartons et étagères dévolus à mon loisir.
Heureusement que les créateurs de la règle ont décidé de diffuser leur création gratuitement sur le net.
Pour ceux qui hésiteraient à la tester, admirez la très belle armée de cailloux qui suit.
Looking forward to the reception of my Bear's Den parcel , I go through my Hott book of rule . Finally almost because I have still misled it in one of the numerous drawers, limp, boxes and shelves devolved to my leisure.
Fortunately the creators of the rule decided to spread their creation free of charge on the net.
For those who would hesitate to test it, admire the very beautiful army of pebbles which follows.

2 commentaires:
This is pure genius! Stones with cartoony eyes painted on them, best of all it works and is a cinvincing army!
Two years ago I fighted against a noodle army in a tournament.
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