Le vaisseau spatial Yamato est le dernier espoir pour retrouver une machine de décontamination qui pourrait sauver la Terre du triste sort qui l’attend..."
The movie will go out in France in DVD and BR on August 4th of this year. The movie dethroned Harry Potter at its release in Japan.SBY is concept of the creator of Albator and it is the history of the last hope to save the humanity: " year 2199. The humanity lives its last days. The powerful fleet of the planet Gamilas sends radioactive asteroids come down relentlessly on the surface of the Earth, making it uninhabitable. The survivors took refuge with vast subterranean cities, but the radiations always sink deeper, and there will not be soon a possible refuge anymore for the human race.
The spaceship Yamato is the last hope to find a machine of decontamination which could save the Earth of the sad fate which waits for it... "
3 commentaires:
Toutes ressemblance avec la 2nde GM est-elle fortuite ?
Il y a un peu de Battlestar galactica dedans aussi.
@cité-en-jeux : Je posterai les planches de vaisseaux, c'est complètement inspiré de la WW2.
@Sylvain : +1
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