lundi 13 août 2012

Dark Ages et la Gencon

Pour la Gencon, Dark Ages va sortir deux gros kits, un livre (Devastation) et plein d'autres figurines dont  certaines seront en tirage limité.
During the Gencon, Dark Ages will release two big kits, a book (Devastation) and many other miniatures, some of which are in limited edition.

The CORE Warband Boxed Set (6 great new robot models!)

CORE Pathfinder


CORE Menial Bots

Dragyri Spirit Lord of the Air Caste

Bounty Hunters Phadras & Maximo (Last year's Immortal Winner's models)

Skarrd Father Johann; Master of Metamorphosis
Skarrd Master Grafter Dexus

Skarrd Dominique

Skarrd Thrall

Skarrd Fallen Angels

Skarrd Grafter Apprentice

Skarrd Abomination and the Cult of Metamorphosis' own Nightmare Juggernaught!

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