vendredi 14 septembre 2012

Le Dark Age chez Eurékaéka met en vente 24 références pour la période des Ages Sombres. Ces références en 28mm sculptées par Alan Marsh couvrent des populations comme les Vikings, les Lombards et même les Byzantins.
Eureka sells 24 references for the period of the Dark Ages. These 28mm references sculpted by Alan Marsh cover peoples like the Vikings, the Lombards even the Byzantines. Dark Age Characters and archers
Sculpted by Alan Marsh

100DAK22 Anglo Saxon horseman mounted
100DAK22a Anglo Saxon horseman dismounted
100DAK23 Arab horseman mounted
100DAK23a Arab horseman dismounted
100DAK24 Byzantine horseman mounted
100DAK24a Byzantine horseman dismounted
100DAK25 Carolingian horseman mounted
100DAK25a Carolingian horseman dismounted
100DAK26 Merovingian horseman mounted
100DAK26a Merovingian horseman dismounted
100DAK27 Sassanid horseman mounted
100DAK27a Sassanid horseman dismounted
100DAK28 Saxon horseman mounted
100DAK28a Saxon horseman dismounted
100DAK29 Visigoth horseman mounted
100DAK29a Visigoth horseman dismounted
100DAK30 Viking archer armoured
100DAK40 Viking archer unarmoured
100DAK41 Lombard archer
100DAK42 Norman archer
100DAK43 Saxon archer
100DAK44 Byzantine archer armoured
100DAK45 Byzantine archer unarmoured
100DAK46 Carolingian archer

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