En dehors de ces roquettes, vous trouverez des équipages pour différentes époques mais uniquement pour l'armée Allemande.
Early War has the good idea to puts on sale several kits in 20 mm of Wurfrahman rockets which beyond ww2, can be used for weird or post apoc games. Apart from these rockets, you will find crews for different times but only for the German army.
- 2 kits of Wurfrahman Rockets x 4 on 1 rear mounted rack
- 2 kits of Wurfrahman Rockets x 4 in 2 side mounted racks
- 2 kits of Wurfrahman Rockets x 4 on 1 rear mounted rack2
- 2 kits of Wurfrahman Rockets x 4 in 2 side mounted racks2
- 10 vehicle mounted crewmen, in various poses, without bases,
- 10 crew serving anti-tank, artilary and other support weapons.
- 10 vehicle mounted crewmen, in various poses, without bases,2
- 10 vehicle mounted crewmen, in various poses, without bases,3
- 10 crew serving anti-tank, artilary and other support weapons.
- 10 crew serving anti-tank, artilary and other support weapons.2
- 10 crew serving anti-tank, artilary and other support weapons.3
- 10 vehicle mounted crewmen, in various poses, without bases,4
- 10 vehicle mounted crewmen, in various poses, without bases,5
- 10 crew serving anti-tank, artilary and other support weapons.4
- 10 vehicle mounted crewmen, in various poses, without bases,6

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