Mais dans ces moments là, tout le monde devient subitement égoïste...

C'est un blog de figs, parlons figs car j'ai plusieurs jours à rattrapper.
Crooked Dice possède une jolie gamme en 28mm nommée Grandville Miniatures qui présente des animaux anthropomorphes issus d'albums jeunesse.
Billie est la dernière arrivée pour 4£.
The absence was longer
than expected because at work we learned that we were going to have a
reorganization of services with layoffs that will only affect unskilled
jobs and I felt lonely, alone out of 80 to ask what they were going to become.But in those moments, everyone suddenly becomes selfish ...
The morale is not very high, my job will survive but I am sad for the condemned and disappointed by those who think that the sacrifice of some will avoid them an identical fate later.
It's a figs blog, so let's talk figs because I have several days to catch up.
Crooked Dice has a beautiful 28mm range named Grandville Miniatures that features anthropomorphic animals from youth albums.
Billie is the latest arrival for £ 4.
2 commentaires:
Bah, il y a des choses dont il faut parler. ici ou ailleurs, t'es chez toi ;)
Merci m'sieur :)
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