samedi 29 juin 2019

Ben mon Teuton ?

Pendraken a racheté les moules TBLine et ressort régulièrement du fond des abysses une gamme.
Aujourd'hui, c'est le retour des chevaliers Teutoniques en 10mm.
Pendraken has bought the TBLine molds and regularly releases from the bottom of the abyss an old range.
Today is the return of Teutonic knights in 10mm.

Middle Age Teutonics - middle-ages - Teutonics
TB-4163 Mounted command group (15) £5.50
TB-4164 Teutonic Knights (15) £5.50
TB-4165 European Heavy Knights (15) £5.50
TB-4166 Light cavalry with short weapons (15) £5.50
TB-4167 Light cavalry with lances (15) £5.50
TB-4168 Crossbowmen (30) £5.50
TB-4169 Light European infantry (30) £5.50
TB-4170 Heavy European infantry (30) £5.50
(Packs contain 15 cavalry or 30 infantry)

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