En juin, Batllefront sort des starters pour la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale en 15mm.
In June, Batllefront releases some starters for the end of the second world war in 15mm.
- American Starter Force - Combat Command (USAB10)
- German Starter Force - Panzer Kampfgruppe (GEAB18)
- Soviet Starter Force - Tank Shock Groupe (SUAB11)
- British Starter Force - Armoured Battlegroup (BRAB12)
- Fortress Europe - American Unit Cards (FW261U)
- Fortress Europe - German Unit Cards (FW261G)
Fortress Europe - Soviet Unit Cards (FW261S)
Fortress Europe - British Unit Cards (FW261B) - German LW Tokens(GE905)
- American LW Tokens (US907)
- British LW Tokens (BR905)
- Soviet LW Tokens (SU903)
- German LW Dice (GE904)
- American LW Dice (US906)
- British LW Dice (BR904)
- Soviet LW Dice (SU902)
- Fortress Europe (FW261)
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