mercredi 6 février 2013

Ikéa et la Normandie met en vente plusieurs bâtiments à détruire pour certains comme ce magasin Ikéa en 15mm ou le Tesco à la même échelle.
Ils vendent aussi des maisons pour la Normandie en 10mm.
Gamecraft sells several buildings to be destroyed like this Ikea store in 15mm and a Tesco on the same scale.
They also sell houses for Normandy but in 10mm.

15mm Ikea - 15MMDF402
15mm Tesco Store - 15MMDF401
10mm One Story Medium Half Timber House - 10MMDF300
10mm One Story Small Half Timber House - 10MMDF301
10mm Two Story Medium Half Timber House - 10MMDF302
10mm Two Story Large Half Timber House - 10MMDF303
10mm Two Story Large Half Timber House with attic - 10MMDF304
10mm One Story Medium Half Timber House with attic - 10MMDF305
10mm Three Story Medium Half Timber House with attic - 10MMDF307

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