lundi 21 septembre 2015

Ils débarqueront le 28 octobre

Spartan propose en pré-commande de nouveaux sets pour Firestorm Armada et Planetfall qui seront disponibles à partir du 28 octobre.
Spartan offers to pre-order new sets for Firestorm Armada and Planetfall, sets that will be available from October 28.
Terquai Patrol Fleet
Terquai Dreadnought Group
Terquai Cruiser Group

Xelocian Patrol Fleet

Xelocian Dreadnought Group

Aquan Prime Ground Attack Helix 
Sorylian Collective Ground Attack Helix
The Relthoza Ground Attack Helix 
The Directorate Ground Attack Helix
Dindrenzi Federation Ground Attack Helix
Terran Alliance Ground Attack Helix

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