C'est le héros, mais je vous laisse lire le pdf pour ça.
Enfin un article vous permettra d'apprendre à peindre le train polonais mais récupéré par les russess. Comme je suis sypa, je vous résume le travail :
- peindre à la bombe verte tout le train
- peindre chaque boulon en orange pour faire un truc un peu pro
- mettre UNE décalco d'étoile rouge vu que c'est des russes, fini!
The list is official. You can play with better tanks than before like the M10 17pdr against the heavier german tanks. But if you already own Hell's Highway book, it's more interesting playing the 150th Brigade of Foot, wich is rated confident veteran ? NO!
It's the heroe, yes, but I let you discover him, read the pdf.
And to finish, there's an article on how to transform the polish armored train into russian service. Well, I'm kind and tell you the truth in three steps :
- paint all the train with a green paint spray.
- paint each bolt in orange for the rust and do something of a pro.
- put ONE tranfert of a red star, it's russian and finish!
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