Je vous recommande les articles sur les origines du "Service Action" de 1870 à 1914, le premier "Zippo raid" et la fouille opérationnelle en Afghanistan.
Bonne Lecture.
I just finished reading the 268th issue of the "Review of the Armies", a great E-historical review, available on the net.This review is in French but also in English, it has a main theme this time talking about the little wars.
I recommend the articles on the origins of the "French Service Action" from 1870 to 1914, the first "Zippo raid" and operational search missions in Afghanistan.
Good reading.
une partie du sommaire ===part of the summary
The gendarmerie and counterinsurgency, 1791-1962
Early origins of “special services”: sabotage and special operations in the event of mobilization and war (1871-1914)
The African “small war”: between conquest, counter-guerrilla, and counter-insurgency (1880-1900)
Le colonel Paul Armengaud et l’émergence de l’emploi tactique de l’aviation (1925-1928)Airpower in the Rif War. Colonel Paul Armengaud and the emergence of the tactical employment of aviation (1925-1928)
The origins of “revolutionary war”: Colonel Lacheroy speaks
The gendarmerie deal with the insurgency of Bab el-Oued in March 1962
Mesures à prendre en cas de rupture du cessez-le-feu par l’ALN dans le Nord-Constantinois (juin-juillet 1962)The Carousel plan: measures to take in case of the rupture of the cease-fire by the NLA in North Constantine (June-July 1962)
The “living dead” at Cam Ne. The first “Zippo raid” of the Vietnam War
Example of counter-insurgency: the operational search in Afghanistan
Colonel Goulier and topography of fortifications
Les fonds du Service historique de la Défense
Le fonds Henri et Lotty Amouroux [Texte intégral]
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