lundi 27 septembre 2021

Renforts Brésiliens

Les frères Perry sortent plusieurs nouveaux sets en 28mm pour l'armée Brésilienne de la guerre de la Triple Alliance avec notamment les Zouaves de Bahia.


The Perry brothers release several new sets in 28mm for the Brazilian army of the war of the Triple Alliance with in particular the Zouaves of Bahia.

TA 51 Brazilian Volunteers of Patria command standing (broad brimmed hats)
TA 52 Brazilian Volunteers of Patria, firing line (broad brimmed hats)
TA 53 Brazilian Fusilier command advancing (full pack)
TA 54 Brazilian Fusiliers advancing, shouldered arms (full pack)
TA 55 Brazilian Volunteers of Patria command advancing (kepi and Havelocks)
TA 56 Brazilian Volunteers of Patria, advancing shouldered arms (kepi and Havelocks)
TA 57 Brazilian Bahia Zouave command advancing
TA 58 Brazilian Bahia Zouaves attacking
TA 59 Brazilian Foot Artillery firing muzzleloader (six crew, no gun)
TA 60 Brazilian Foot Artillery loading muzzleloader (six crew, no gun)
TA 61 La Hitte 4 rifled gun

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