Certaines figurines sont rééditées par Mirliton et une campagne Gogo se propose de vous faire financer le retour de la règle (oups) et des figurines (regardez le géant goblin).
J'espère juste qu'ils ne ressortiront pas la version 40K.
In the 80s, came a game that was another competitor for Warhammer Battle. Designers proposed a very original but poorly tested rule and Grenadier sold a beautiful range of miniatures from which I kept a barbarian army with humans and dwarves, a dragon and a mammoth with howdah.Some miniatures are re casted by Mirliton and this Gogo campaign aims to make you pay for the return of the rule (oops) and miniatures (you should the giant goblin).
I just hope they do not reedit the 40K version.
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