mercredi 6 novembre 2013

Austro-Russes Perry

De nouveaux sets d'Autrichiens et de Russes Napoléoniens sont disponibles chez les frères Perry dont un set de paysans en colère.
New sets of Napoleonic Austrians and Russians are available at the Perry brothers, including a set of angry peasants.
Russes :
RN 54 Hussar command full dress galloping
RN 55 Hussars full dress, shouldered swords, galloping
RN 56 Hussars full dress galloping, front rank, lances upright, galloping
RN 57 Angry armed peasants attacking
Autrichiens :
AN 45 Dragoon command, galloping
AN 46 Dragoons charging
AN 47 Dragoons shouldered arms, galloping
AN 48 ‘German’ Grenadier command advancing
AN 49 ‘German’ grenadiers, march attack

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